I now create an OSB proxy for the above service
Save the wsdl to a file
Import the wsdl file
Create a Business Service based on the WSDL
Create a Proxy Service based on the Business Service
Export the Proxy Service WSDL (3rd icon on the right)
Unzip the jar
We will augment the OSB process by adding a new "Secure" proxy service.
Open the newly created proxy service and add a pipeline pair
Then add a stage, and within the stage a LOG action, to the Request pipeline
We log the creditCard number and set the severity to Error so that the message is output on the WLS log.
Test in the OSB Console
Now apply simple username token security to the Proxy service
OWSM Security/Key setup
We need to do this initial setup, before we can test the OSB proxy service
Create a keystore and register it in em
Use keytool.exe (.sh)located in your /jdk/bin directory
keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -alias orakey -keypass welcome1 -keystore default-keystore.jks -storepass welcome1 -validity 3600
Now copy this file to your fmwconfig directory –
Open em at http://localhost:7001/em
Click Keystore - Configure
Set all passwords to welcome1
Stop/Start the osb server
Then create a user via the OSB console
Click Add New
User Name : joe
Password : welcome1
Now we will add a csf-key for joe
Open em
Create a new key
Back in the OSB console, test as follows –
Now export the WSDL of the "Secure" proxy service so we can register it in OEG
Unzip the exported jar to get the ValidateCC.wsdl
In Policy Studio – add a new web services group - Secure OSB Services
Then import the WSDL i.e. Register the Service
Hard-code the user/pwd joe/welcome1
Create a relative path and point to the policy /SecureOSBCreditCardValidation
Deploy and test( from Service Explorer)
In Service Explorer - import the wsdl and select the operation required (validateCard)
Change the Request URl to point to localhost:8080/SecureOSBCreditCardValidation (OEG) and run
In the next post I will get rid of the hard coding of the username in OEG.
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