This updated version covers the current 11g offering and
The great thing about the book is that it spends sufficient time discussing the WHYs and opposed to just concentrating on the HOWs.
Well done Antony & Matt - take a bow!
Note the wsdl –
e.g. http://localhost:7001/AAA-validateCC-root/validateCCPort?WSDL
and save to the local file system
Create the OSB Business/Proxy services
Import WSDL to OSB and create a Business Service based on it.
Create a Proxy Service based on the Business Service.
Test Proxy
Secure the Proxy Service
Add username token with message protection policy
The result...
Set up OWSM for OSB and create a test user
Register Keystore using Enterprise Manager. This step is required so OSB test console or SOA reference can use the OWSM csf-key to look up the
username/password to send the ValidateCard Proxy Service secured with the
UserNameToken with Message OWSM policy.
Setup default keystore - Copy your sample keystore file, default-keystore.jks to the domain home’s fmwconfig directory, e.g.
You can create a default-keystore as follows, if you don't have one -
Open em
In the Security Provider Configuration, find Keystore under Web Services
Manager Authentication Providers. Expand Keystore and Click Configure
Create user in WLS using OSB console. OSB Proxy Service will use WLS Default Authenticator to authenticate the username/password in the WS-Security SOAP Headers received from the client. The user created using OSB console is available to the WLS Default Authenticator.
OSB Console - Click on Security Configuration
Add csf-key for user joe created in step 2. This step is required so the OSB test console/SOA reference can lookup the username/password using the csf-key.
In Enterprise Manager, select soa_osb_domain Weblogic Domain. Expand
Security and select Credentials as shown below.
Create Map with name if it does not already exist.
Create a new key –
o User Name: joe
o Password: welcome1
Test the Proxy Service
Set the following values in the OSB test console –
and Execute the test
In a recent post, I discussed invoking RabbitMQ from OIC using the REST adapter. OIC doesn't have a dedicated RabbitMQ adapter, but Rab...