Tuesday, November 29, 2016

#537 Leveraging the Eloqua Adapter in SOA CS

SOA CS setup

1. download the Eloqua certs and install on SOA CS via em

Note the 3 certs -

This reflects the following -

2. Create an entry for the EloquaKey you will be using in your SOA composite -

Create a new Map oracle.wsm.security
Within that, create your EloquaKey -

3. amend setDomainEnv.sh to leverage the store -

Change the EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES related to the trust store
Replace: • -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=%WL_HOME%\server\lib\DemoTrust.jks 
-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=kss://system/trust - Djavax.net.ssl.trustStoreType=kss

Re-boot the SOA Server

Create a simple BPEL process that leverages the Eloqua adapter 

The BPEL process -

Deploy and test on SOA CS

Validate in Eloqua

#536 Creating an MFT Cloud Service Instance

Begin by creating the backup storage containers -

Start the MFT Service creation wizard -

Do a sanity test on the environment.

ssh into the MFT vm and create 2 directories
/in and /out

create a file in /in e.g. touch myReport.txt

Create a simple file2file integration -

Monitor -

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

#535 ICS LinkedIn adapter

A simple example of the adapter...

Check out the docs -

Click here to read them.

LinkedIn Setup

1. Register the ICS app at the LinkedIn dev portal.

As you can see, I get my Client ID and Secret.
All I need to set is the Authorized Redirect URL.

It is in the format - https://myICSPod:443/icsapis/agent/oauth/callback

Creating the LinkedIn connection in ICS

Export the LinkedIn Cert.
Upload the LinkedIn Cert to ICS

Now I create the LinkedIn Connection

Now leverage the connection in an integration -

Now, I can add more permissions to the LinkedIn Connection in ICS -

Now to an integration -

This simply updates my status on LinkedIn.

The mapping is as follows -

I set the visibility code to "anyone". This was the result of a quick Google search ;--)

I deploy and test - I get an error and look at the ICS log -

So much for Google...

I look it up on LinkedIn's website

So my error was the double quotes in the mapping.
I correct this and re-test.

and there it is ...