A previous post covered the Fusion Apps Repository which details which services are available.
Please see http://niallcblogs.blogspot.de/2012/07/fusion-apps-enterprise-repository.html
Let's take it from there...
The post covers basic get and create functionality and also details how to leverage FSM to find lookup values for web services call. A big thank you to my colleagues AngeloS and ChrisV for the latter!
In the following scenarios I am using the CustomerInteraction Service.
Notice the Keyword External - If you are doing 3rd party integrations with Fusion Apps, make sure you leverage services with the Keyword: External. A good explanation for this keyword etc. can be found at http://rraheja.wordpress.com/2012/08/13/five-qs-fa-ext-webservices/
Import the WSDL into your tool of choice - this could be, for example, Oracle JDeveloper - HTTP Analyzer or some other tool such as SOAP UI.
Here you see 2 sections - callbacks and requests.
We will concentrate on the request operations.
The 2 GET operations are get and find
findInteraction - will return all interactions, if no search criteria is specified.
getInteraction - will return 1 particular CustomerInteraction object. The key – InteractionId, is the required input.
This is the general modus operandi for all Fusion Apps web services.
Here is a sample test of findInteraction with no search parameters specified.
Request -
Response -
Ok, so let's do a find - using one of the InteractionIds returned.
Request payload -
Very intuitive!
Deja vu for those used to working with ADF BC Service Interfaces!
How about the createInteraction operation?
Let's begin by looking at the customer in the FCRM app.
Here are the current interactions -
I get the following dialogue when I click the create button on the UI -
So the web service call will have to include essentially the same information.
But let's take Type - how do I know which types are available?
We could extrapolate from the create UI above, however you should do the following -
Go to FSM (Functional Setup Manager)
Click on Go to Task
(please expand image, if you do not see it!)
So Meaning is what we see in the UI.
Lookup Code is what we must enter in the web service call.
createInteraction request payload
More later...