Sunday, December 21, 2014

#362 Happy Holidays from Packt

and from me as well...

Click here for their amazing $5 offer!

Friday, December 19, 2014

#361 SOA 12c FTP adapter example

Here is a very simple example of using the ftp adapter.

I begin by downloading FileZilla Server and Client.

I then create 2 groups of the ftp server - admins and users

Then come 2 users - niall and admin
Passwords: welcome1

I also set up the shared folders -

Here is my file structure - I added the folder SharedFolder with its two sub-directories.

Configure the FTP Adapter via the WLS console.

I create a new outbound connection eis/Ftp/ncFTPAdapter

Here I added/changed the following -

Here I set Password to welcome1 (The ftp user password)
Regarding ListParserKey - default in UNIX, I changed this to win.

Note: Port defaults to 21

Here I set
ServerType to win
Username to niall

I then update the FTP Adapter -

Now I create the composite in JDeveloper -

This will be a simple BPEL process that "puts" an input order to the ftp server.

The xsd -

I now add the ftp adapter -

Now Invoke from the BPEL process -

Deploy and Test

Check the ftp Server directory /SOAFTPOut

Next level - FTP in and FTP Out

I will read from the /SOAFTPIn directory and write to the /SOAFTPOut directory on my FTP Server.

I created the ftpService on the left and a new BPEL process ProcessFTPOrder.

The service is configured as follows -

All the BPEL process does is read in the file and then put it to the out directory on the FTP Server

I test by copying one of the output files from the /SOAFTPOut directory to the
/SOAFTPIn directory.

Kudos to whoever wrote the following - it was a great start.

Monday, December 8, 2014

#360 BPM 12c --> using the TaskService to initiate a human task

Task Service WDSL available at http://localhost:7101/integration/services/TaskService/TaskServicePort?WSDL

Here are the available operations -

Now I create a standalone human task in my composite -
ApproveSimpleOrder1 is its name.

I assign the following payload -

The task is assigned to user - weblogic.

I test the initiateTask() operation via JDev's HTTP Analyzer -

XML payload available here

I then log in to workspace as weblogic and see the task -

Notice, the task title includes the custNr.

#359 BPM 12c --> using the TaskQueryService

Business as usual here - essentially the same as 11g -

URL for TaskQueryService wsdl is -

Here is a list of the available operations -

Let's try out the basic - queryTasks
I want to retrieve all the assigned tasks for our good old friend jcooper.

XML file available here

Here is an execution example using JDev's HTTP Analyzer -

Same modus operandi for SOAP-UI

Check out Edwin's excellent post for more examples, just click here

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

#357 Configuring email server on Service Bus 12c

Here is my simple scenario -

Service Bus proxy accepts in an order.
The only pipeline logic is to raise an Alert.

I am using James as my email server.
The server is running as
I have created a couple of demo users - niallc and admin

The process -

The pipeline -

The Alert Definition -

The SMTP Definition -

The AlertDestination definition

Test result -

Simple, isn't it?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

#356 Oracle Business Rules 12c --> Verbal Rules and testing

Here is a concise lab that shows you how to create verbal rules and also how to leverage the
new rules test functionality that comes with 12c.

Lab available here 

Monday, November 24, 2014

#355 Install files for BPM 12c install

Here we are not referring to quickstart...

You need an Oracle DB, with one of the following versions -;;;

and the following from edelivery


You can also check out the certification matrix here

It would also do no harm to read the official install doc, available here

#354 R Statistics engine in the Oracle Database

Got some people asking about this...
here are some useful links -

R on OTN - Here and there

What the heck is R? - answer here

Thursday, November 20, 2014

#353 The Hare of the Dog --> the right medicine for all you developers out there...

Believe it or not, there's more  to life besides SOA and BPM.
My first novel is the perfect antidote for those in need of some R&R.


The book deals with the world of work, albeit from a totally different angle.
Check it out on Amazon today, in fact, don't just check it out, buy it!

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Kindle version available from November 21st.
