Friday, July 3, 2020

#782 Sugar CRM 2 Netsuite Integration with OIC REST Adapter

I just got access to a trial account of SugarCRM, so no time like the present to try out
an integration use case with Netsuite - syncing SugarCRM Accounts with Netsuite Customers.

I begin by looking at the SugarCRM REST api - this I will be using, courtesy of the OIC REST adapter.


The REST api base endpoint is  mySugarCRMInstance/rest/v10

You should see the following, when you add a /help to that url.

Now what about Authentication?
The screenshot below is one I took from the SugarCRM docs here

Ok I try this out in Postman -

Now I can use this access token in further requests to SugarCRM -

Here I create an Account -

Looks good - and just to prove it - here it is in SugarCRM -

Retrieving an Account is easy - just use the id as key

I can also add a filter to the GET - here I am retrieving Accounts modified after a particular dateTime.

Ok, let's implement this use case in OIC.

Integrating SugarCRM and Netsuite using OIC

I will use the OIC REST adapter to integrate with SugarCRM via its REST API.
The OIC REST adapter makes it very easy to do so, allowing one to configure
the 2 legged OAuth at connection level. This means my integration can concentrate on the
business logic - retrieving modified SugarCRM accounts and syncing them with Netsuite.

Step 1 - Create the REST connection for SugarCRM -

Base URL =  mySugarCRMInstance/rest/v10
This is what we have already used in Postman.

Security Settings -

Now let's go thru these settings one by one -
A great reference here is this excellent blog post from Anuj.

Let's look at setting the Access Token Request field -
What we need here is the curl request minus the curl, so to speak 

Starting point again is Postman -

Here is the curl -

I massage this and end up with -

The other settings are mainly default -

Notice the access_token_usage value - this is the Header I use in Postman -

I Test and Save the Connection -

Step 2 - Create a Scheduled Integration

Here is the finished product -

So what's happening here?
This integration runs according to a schedule, e.g. at 5pm every working day.

First action is to GetModifiedAccounts from SugarCRM, leveraging the REST connection I just created. I query for all accounts modified after a particular date - just as I did in the Postman example.

Then I check if the count of modified accounts is greater than 0.
If so, I iterate over the accounts returned - for each account I check whether it already exists in Netsuite. If it doesn't, I create a Netsuite customer for that SugarCRM Account.

A very simple use case - the logic is over-simplified and no error handling has been implemented,
but it will suffice to illustrate how easy it is to do such with OIC.

Step 2.1. Configure a schedule parameter - dateModified

This we will use to query SugarCRM.

Step 2.2. Invoke SugarCRM to get the modified Accounts

Here I leverage the SugarCRM REST Connection, configured as follows -

Request and Response payloads are set to those from my Postman example.
Going back to my test in Postman - the response payload from SugarCRM included
empty arrays e.g.

OIC won't accept this so either remove the element or add some values.

Now to the Mapping -

Step 2.3. I log the number of Accounts returns - default pagination is set to 20.

Step 2.4. I add a SWITCH to branch on count

If count is greater than 0 - I use a FOR EACH action to iterate over each modified account.
Here I just output the Account name

Final Step - Leverage the Netsuite connection to Create Customer

For in-depth how to implement the GET / Create Netsuite Customer use case,
please refer to the my Netsuite related blog posts here

Here is an extract from the integration, with the Netsuite connectivity  -

I check whether the customer exists in Netsuite - using the Netsuite connection - Search - capability

If customer is not found, I use the Netsuite connection to create the customer -

Now to testing the completed integration -

I check in Netsuite for the SugarCRM account,  Mississippi Bank Group -

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