Monday, March 23, 2015

#383 Oracle Stream Explorer / OEP basics

Just to demo Stream Explorer interaction with OEP -
I login to the OEP console -

Note the url http://localhost:9002

Check out the domain -

Here we see the app, created in the previous post -

We see the csv inbound adapter etc.

Now I will show you how to export the app, created in Stream Explorer, and then how
to import the very same app into JDeveloper 12c.

I open the Exploration in Stream Explorer and then click on Actions -
I select Export.

I copy this jar to my OEP home for housekeeping purposes.

I now start JDeveloper and then import the OEP bundle.

First I create an OEP application with a default project.
I then delete the project.

I now do the import -

Point to the exported jar -

Here is the imported App -

Here is the EPN diagram -

Before we check out the generated CQL, here is the query definition
from Stream Explorer  -

Remember, we are looking at the total spend of individual customers,
over a rolling time window of 5 minutes. We are only interested in high
spenders, i.e. those spending more than 10K.

This is our business user friendly definition from Stream Explorer -

Here is the generated CQL in the OEP app -

Great stuff, this Stream Explorer!

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