Thursday, November 13, 2014

#349 Using the API Catalog for harvesting SOA service APIs

Now to the usage of the catalog itself.

It leverages the OER concept of the harvester and has the concept of Departments for User management.

The Admin function - I have clicked on the Admin link -

I create a new department -

I create a new user -

I give myself the roles curator and developer.

Now what can they do?
The descriptions are taken from the official ORCL docs.

developer -

Users with the developer role have the ability to search OAC for published APIs from the OAC console or using the Oracle Enterprise Repository JDeveloper plug-in. The developer can examine the API metadata to better understand the API. The developer also has the ability to declare interest in the API and submit ratings and reviews for an API.

curator -

In addition to the capabilities available to the developer role, users with the curator role can run the harvester to create new API assets in OAC. After API assets have been created, curators edit them to update their metadata. The curator also has the ability to publish an API, which makes the API available for discovery by developers.

admin -

In addition to the capabilities available to the curator and the developer roles, users with the admin role have access to the Adminpage in OAC. From this page users with this role can administer the infrastructure of OAC by editing system settings, creating new users, creating new departments, managing sessions, and using the import/export tool. Users with this role can also configure the security features included with OAC.

Now I harvest some assets.

Again, to quote the docs -
The first activity in the asset lifecycle is to harvest APIs into OAC. The curator uses the harvester to populate OAC with API assets from SOA Suite and Service Bus or other deployed services. The harvester can be run from the command line or be integrated into the build process to automatically do the harvest at build time. The harvester creates API assets in a "Draft" state, meaning they are not discoverable by developers searching OAC.

I begin by harvesting my SOA assets -
here they are, listed in em -

To begin with, I will harvest the GetOrder composite.


1. Edit HarvesterSettings.xml

2. Run encrypt.bat on this file to encrypt the password.
Mine is already run, in the screenshot above.

3. Open a CMD window in the /harvester directory
4. Set JAVa_HOME to point to your JDK.
5. run setenv.bat
6. run the harvester e.g.

D:\Work\envs\APICatalog\WLS\oer\tools\harvester>harvest.bat -remote_url http://n -remote_username weblogic -remote_server_type SOAS
uite -remote_project GetOrder_rev1.0 -soa_partition default

Note: I use my machine name and not localhost.

Review in OAC -

I check out the details -

I can set the status to published -
and add a nice icon.

I log in to OAC as NiallC and see the asset.

Simple, yet effective!

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