Thursday, September 16, 2021

#878 OIC and Oracle Hospitality - Creating a Reservation with multiple rates

This post is more of a note for myself, but may be of interest to others needing to integrate with Oracle Hospitality via OHIP.

It leads on from the previous post - the situation is as follows - guest reserves a room for 2 nights, different rates for each night. So my request payload for the OIC Integration CreateReservation could look like the following - 

2 room rates one for the 10th of Oct and one for the 11th. They have different rate plan codes, ergo - different prices.

The Request for the OHIP Reservation Post is as follows - 


  "reservations" : {

    "reservation" : [ {

      "roomStay" : {

        "roomRates" : [ {

          "rates" : {

            "rate" : [ {

              "base" : {

                "amountBeforeTax" : "500"},

              "start" : "2021-10-10",

              "end" : "2021-10-10"

            } ]


          "guestCounts" : {

            "adults" : 2,

            "children" : 0},

          "roomType" : "SU1B",

          "ratePlanCode" : "DAILY",

          "marketCode" : "LEISURE",

          "sourceCode" : "PHONE",

          "numberOfUnits" : "1",

          "pseudoRoom" : false,

          "roomTypeCharged" : "SU1B",

          "fixedRate" : false,

          "start" : "2021-10-10",

          "end" : "2021-10-10"

        }, {

          "rates" : {

            "rate" : [ {

              "base" : {

                "amountBeforeTax" : "400"},

              "start" : "2021-10-11",

              "end" : "2021-10-11"

            } ]


          "guestCounts" : {

            "adults" : 2,

            "children" : 0},

          "roomType" : "SU1B",

          "ratePlanCode" : "CommiskeySpecial",

          "marketCode" : "LEISURE",

          "sourceCode" : "PHONE",

          "numberOfUnits" : "1",

          "pseudoRoom" : false,

          "roomTypeCharged" : "SU1B",

          "fixedRate" : true,

          "start" : "2021-10-11",

          "end" : "2021-10-11"

        } ],

        "guestCounts" : {

          "adults" : 2,

          "children" : 0},

        "guarantee" : {

          "guaranteeCode" : "6PM"},

        "bookingMedium" : "AA",

        "arrivalDate" : "2021-10-10",

        "departureDate" : "2021-10-12"


      "reservationGuests" : [ {

        "profileInfo" : {

          "profileIdList" : [ {

            "type" : "Profile",

            "id" : "32848"

          } ]


      } ],

      "reservationPaymentMethods" : [ {

        "paymentMethod" : "CA",

        "folioView" : "1"

      } ],

      "hotelId" : "CommiskeyTowers",

      "reservationStatus" : "Reserved",

      "preRegistered" : false,

      "allowMobileCheckout" : false

    } ]


Integration is as follows - 


Map is as follows - 

Integration .iar available here

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