Sunday, November 15, 2020

#811 - OIC Nov 20 Release - Netsuite adapter New Features

 Searching on Item

Item and Transaction are super records which can have many constituent types.
For example -
Inventory Items - physical products that can be bought or sold.
Assembly Items - physical components that need to be assembled into a finished product.
There are also non-inventory items e.g. for digital assets etc.

Before November - 

Now - 

In this simple example I will select an Inventory item, based on its internalId.  

The mapping is as follows - Note I am filtering on mapped fields -


operator is set to anyOf as this is a MultiSelectFieldOperator

I activate and test - btw. another new November 20 Release feature is that the body you use when testing is saved between tests -

The only response field I map is the display name.

Now a quick look at the structure returned by Netsuite -

Note the different item types, listed under recordList.

Now I test for this Assembly Item with the internalId 724.

I don't need to change the request mapping -

The Response mapping has been changed -

I activate and test -

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