Thursday, July 30, 2020

#787 - OIC - SurveyMonkey 2 Netsuite Synchronisation

Simple Use Case

As the sages say, its a gift to be simple and I'm fully d'accord with that.

I have been asked to detail how to sync contact details from SurveyMonkey to Netsuite.
Ok, said I to myself, let's do it!

It was only afterwards that I started considering what would be a valid use case from a business perspective.

I came up with the following use case -
A B2B scenario - I keep a list of customer contacts in SurveyMonkey.


AS you can see, I have 2 customers Commiskey Inc. and MacCumascaigh c.t.
Commiskey Inc has 2 contacts
Mac Cumascaigh c.t. has 1 contact.

Pre-requisites for using the OIC SurveyMonkey adapter

  • A SurveyMonkey Account.
  • A quick perusal of the adapter docs here

Essentially it the same old story, sign in to and get the required keys.

Note: on the Settings tab I need to set the redirect url -

Now I can create the OIC SurveyMonkey connection -

Step 1 is to upload the SurveyMonkey certificate 

Now to creating the connection - 

Note: only the Invoke role is supported.

Click Provide Consent

Alles gut!

I now create a scheduled integration to retrieve the Contact Lists/Contacts from SurveyMonkey -

Firstly I leverage the SurveyMonkey adapter to get the ContactLists -

I then iterate over the results and, for each List,
I invoke SurveyMonkey again, to retrieve the contacts for that list.

The mapping to Get contacts in list is as follows -

I then log some data to make sure this is working.

So now to my test results -

Looks good!

Now to syncing this up with Netsuite - 

Now my logic here is very simple -
ContactList Name = CompanyName in Netsuite

Check if Customer already exists -
If Yes - check if contact already exists, if not - create contact.

If No - create customer and contact(s)

So let's look at the implementation in OIC

Firstly, a caveat - the following does not include error handling - which, naturally, is a must for such.
There is a separate blog post on Netsuite error handling available.

Check if Customer already exists -

Netsuite connection invoke - 

Mapping is as follows -

operator is set to "is"

Next step - validate the result of the Search -

I just check the value of totalRecords returned by the search.
If customer not found, I create a new customer in Netsuite - 

I just map the ContactList name to Netsuite CompanyName.

I store the existing customer/ newly created customer internal id in an instance variable.

Now to the Contact processing, essentially the same modus operandi -
use search to check for existence.

Then use the integration variable containing the customer internalID, when creating the contact.

Create Contact Mapping is as follows -

I create a new Netsuite customer for one of my 2 contact lists - 

I activate and test -

Here my 2 SurveyMonkey contacts have been added to the existing Netsuite customer - 
Commiskey Inc

A new customer has been created in Netsuite - along with 1 contact

go raibh maith agaibh go leir agus deireadh seachtaine iontach a bheith agaibh!

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