Wednesday, January 9, 2019

#675 OIC Integrations import via REST API

simple example of using the REST API via curl

The first command checks if the integration already exists

to check if the Integration already exists- 

I am using the demo Hello World, shipped with OIC.

curl -k -u yourOICuser:Pwd  -i -X GET -H Content-Type: application/json https://yourOICInstance/ic/api/integration/v1/integrations/HELLO_WORLD%7C01.02.0000

to import a net new integration -

curl -X POST --insecure -u yourOICuser:Pwd -F file=@"AA_SERVICECLOUDNEWO_01.00.0000.iar" https://yourOICInstance/ic/api/integration/v1/integrations/archive

you can, of course, do the ssl setup and drop the --insecure directive.

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