Wednesday, January 21, 2015

#375 SOA / BPM 12c Bundle Patch released

Upgrading to Bundle Patch 1

Here I am patching my SOA12c Quickstart environment.

Unzip to a directory of your choice.
Read the README.

The Readme mentions -

 Oracle recommends that all customers be on the latest version of OPatch for
their release. Download the latest version of OPatch 13.2.x via My Oracle
Support Patch 6880880. (Choose or "OUI NextGen 13.2")

So I install the newest OPatch first -

Install the newest version of OPatch

Here is its Readme -

So here is my SOA Quickstart directory structure -

Here are the contents of the patch -

So we are essentially overwriting the OPatch directory.

Once that is done, we can install BP1.

Install BP1

Ensure that the integrated server is stopped.

Open a cmd window in the OPatch directory -

opatch lsinventory

Open another window in the patch directory -
Set oracle_home

Apply the patch -

opatch apply

Now I delete the following system--cache directory from the integrated server -

I also have a BPM Quickstart on this machine and
I need to apply the patch to it, as well.

Again, last step is to delete the system-cache directory.

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