Sunday, December 21, 2014

#362 Happy Holidays from Packt

and from me as well...

Click here for their amazing $5 offer!

Friday, December 19, 2014

#361 SOA 12c FTP adapter example

Here is a very simple example of using the ftp adapter.

I begin by downloading FileZilla Server and Client.

I then create 2 groups of the ftp server - admins and users

Then come 2 users - niall and admin
Passwords: welcome1

I also set up the shared folders -

Here is my file structure - I added the folder SharedFolder with its two sub-directories.

Configure the FTP Adapter via the WLS console.

I create a new outbound connection eis/Ftp/ncFTPAdapter

Here I added/changed the following -

Here I set Password to welcome1 (The ftp user password)
Regarding ListParserKey - default in UNIX, I changed this to win.

Note: Port defaults to 21

Here I set
ServerType to win
Username to niall

I then update the FTP Adapter -

Now I create the composite in JDeveloper -

This will be a simple BPEL process that "puts" an input order to the ftp server.

The xsd -

I now add the ftp adapter -

Now Invoke from the BPEL process -

Deploy and Test

Check the ftp Server directory /SOAFTPOut

Next level - FTP in and FTP Out

I will read from the /SOAFTPIn directory and write to the /SOAFTPOut directory on my FTP Server.

I created the ftpService on the left and a new BPEL process ProcessFTPOrder.

The service is configured as follows -

All the BPEL process does is read in the file and then put it to the out directory on the FTP Server

I test by copying one of the output files from the /SOAFTPOut directory to the
/SOAFTPIn directory.

Kudos to whoever wrote the following - it was a great start.

Monday, December 8, 2014

#360 BPM 12c --> using the TaskService to initiate a human task

Task Service WDSL available at http://localhost:7101/integration/services/TaskService/TaskServicePort?WSDL

Here are the available operations -

Now I create a standalone human task in my composite -
ApproveSimpleOrder1 is its name.

I assign the following payload -

The task is assigned to user - weblogic.

I test the initiateTask() operation via JDev's HTTP Analyzer -

XML payload available here

I then log in to workspace as weblogic and see the task -

Notice, the task title includes the custNr.

#359 BPM 12c --> using the TaskQueryService

Business as usual here - essentially the same as 11g -

URL for TaskQueryService wsdl is -

Here is a list of the available operations -

Let's try out the basic - queryTasks
I want to retrieve all the assigned tasks for our good old friend jcooper.

XML file available here

Here is an execution example using JDev's HTTP Analyzer -

Same modus operandi for SOAP-UI

Check out Edwin's excellent post for more examples, just click here

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

#357 Configuring email server on Service Bus 12c

Here is my simple scenario -

Service Bus proxy accepts in an order.
The only pipeline logic is to raise an Alert.

I am using James as my email server.
The server is running as
I have created a couple of demo users - niallc and admin

The process -

The pipeline -

The Alert Definition -

The SMTP Definition -

The AlertDestination definition

Test result -

Simple, isn't it?