Wednesday, August 21, 2013

#274 New Oracle B2B book from Packt - Chapter 1 & 2

Just got my hands on -

An excellent tome for developers and architects -

Chapter 1 - B2B Overview

This chapter gives us a short history of B2B electronic document exchange, thus setting the context for the rest of the book. It discusses the different connection models - hub and spoke, peer 2 peer etc, the relevant B2B standards - EDI X12, ebXML etc. In summary a good grounding in B2B basics.

Chapter 2 - Oracle B2B Overview

Oracle B2B sits on top of SOA Suite and leverages it's SCA architecture. For those new to SOA Suite please see

This chapter begins by guiding you thru the setup and configuration of a B2B vm, downloadable from OTN. Very useful stuff.

It then turns its attention to what B2B is - essentially an e-commerce gateway and the complexities it takes care of for us -
-Document standards
-Messaging protocols
-Transport protocols
-Packaging protocols
-Process control protocols

So what is B2B providing us with?
-Process incoming b2b docs received from remote trading partners
-Transport b2b docs to remote trading partners
-Transport security
- Support industry standard messaging protocols - As2, ebXML etc.
- Translation to and from XML
- Auditing and Reporting

Chapter 2 continues with a section on how B2B fits in with the base SOA platform - SCA, MDS etc.

In summary, a great overview of Oracle B2B - what it offers us and how it fits in with SOA Suite.

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