Scenario - Invoke a composite via EJB passing a complex payload.
My payload is as follows -
I create a synchronous BPEL process that accepts inputOrder as input/output.
all the BPEL process does is Assign In 2 Out.
I then create an EJB Service (Generate Java interface from WSDL)
Wire together
Review the classes that have been created.
Make InputOrder and OrderType serializable
public class InputOrder implements Serializable{
public class OrderType implements Serializable{
Change the interface (BPELOrderProcess) to get rid of Holder dependency (I had
serialization issues with
public void process(@WebParam(targetNamespace="",
partName="payload", name="inputOrder", mode=Mode.INOUT) payload);
Deploy to SOA Server
Check the JNDI tree using the WLS console to see if our EJB is visible.
Create the EJB Client - I did this in the same project to save time -
Actual Code -
public class MyEJBClient {
public static void main(String [] args) throws Throwable {
try {
final Context context = getInitialContext();
Proxy proxy = (Proxy)context.lookup("ejb/BPELOrderProcessService");
// preparing the method to be called on the remote EJB
Method method =
BPELOrderProcess.class.getDeclaredMethod("process", new Class[] {InputOrder.class});
InputOrder id = new InputOrder();
OrderType ot = new OrderType();
ot.setComments("Good Customer");
ot.setProduct("Oracle SOA Suite 11g");
ot.setProductKey(new Long(12345));
InvocationHandler handler = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(proxy);
InputOrder response = (InputOrder)handler.invoke(proxy, method, new Object[] { id });
} catch (Exception ex) {
private static Context getInitialContext() throws NamingException {
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
// WebLogic Server 10.x connection details
env.put( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory" );
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://localhost:7001");
return new InitialContext( env );
Add the Weblgic Thin Client Library to the project
Run the client
Check the instance in em
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Part 2: Getting Component instance state...
Leading on from the previous post - I've kicked off the process, now I want to check on the instance state.
Again, a big thanks to Edwin -
I added the following to my client Java class -
public String checkInstanceState(String uuid){
// connect to soa and find composite
Hashtable jndiProps = new Hashtable();
jndiProps.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://localhost:7001/soa-infra");
jndiProps.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "weblogic");
jndiProps.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "welcome1");
jndiProps.put("dedicated.connection", "true");
Locator locator = null;
locator = LocatorFactory.createLocator(jndiProps);
Composite composite = locator.lookupComposite("default/InvokeDirectBinding!1.0");
CompositeInstanceFilter filter = new CompositeInstanceFilter();
List cis = composite.getInstances(filter);
// for each of the returned composite instances..
for (CompositeInstance instance : cis) {
System.out.println(" DN: " + instance.getCompositeDN() +"\n" +
" Instance: " + instance.getId() +"\n" +
" creation-date: " + instance.getCreationDate() +"\n" +
" state (" + instance.getState() + "): " + getStateAsString(instance.getState()) );
catch (Exception e){
return "done";
private String getStateAsString(int state)
// note that this is dependent on wheter the composite state is captured or not
if (state == CompositeInstance.STATE_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY)
else if (state == CompositeInstance.STATE_FAULTED)
return ("STATE_FAULTED");
else if (state == CompositeInstance.STATE_RECOVERY_REQUIRED)
else if (state == CompositeInstance.STATE_RUNNING)
return ("STATE_RUNNING");
else if (state == CompositeInstance.STATE_STALE)
return ("STATE_STALE");
return ("STATE_UNKNOWN");
I also had to add the JRF Runtime library -
I then invoked a new instance -
tested the new code ...
Again, a big thanks to Edwin -
I added the following to my client Java class -
public String checkInstanceState(String uuid){
// connect to soa and find composite
Hashtable jndiProps = new Hashtable();
jndiProps.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://localhost:7001/soa-infra");
jndiProps.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "weblogic");
jndiProps.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "welcome1");
jndiProps.put("dedicated.connection", "true");
Locator locator = null;
locator = LocatorFactory.createLocator(jndiProps);
Composite composite = locator.lookupComposite("default/InvokeDirectBinding!1.0");
CompositeInstanceFilter filter = new CompositeInstanceFilter();
// for each of the returned composite instances..
for (CompositeInstance instance : cis) {
System.out.println(" DN: " + instance.getCompositeDN() +"\n" +
" Instance: " + instance.getId() +"\n" +
" creation-date: " + instance.getCreationDate() +"\n" +
" state (" + instance.getState() + "): " + getStateAsString(instance.getState()) );
catch (Exception e){
return "done";
private String getStateAsString(int state)
// note that this is dependent on wheter the composite state is captured or not
if (state == CompositeInstance.STATE_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY)
else if (state == CompositeInstance.STATE_FAULTED)
return ("STATE_FAULTED");
else if (state == CompositeInstance.STATE_RECOVERY_REQUIRED)
else if (state == CompositeInstance.STATE_RUNNING)
return ("STATE_RUNNING");
else if (state == CompositeInstance.STATE_STALE)
return ("STATE_STALE");
return ("STATE_UNKNOWN");
I also had to add the JRF Runtime library -
I then invoked a new instance -
tested the new code ...
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Invoking SOA Suite 11g Composite via Direct Binding
Scenario: I want to invoke a SOA Composite (essentially an Async BPEL process) via Direct Binding.
My starting point for this was Edwin's blog (which I can highly recommend!!!)-
However, I had issues with namespaces in my complex payload, requiring me to switch to the Oracle XML parser --> thus this post!
I'm using the following xsd for my payload.
Step 1 - Create a SOA Composite that includes an async BPEL process with input/output types set to the order defined above. Do not expose as a SOAP Service.
Step 2 - Add a Direct Binding to the Exposed Services lane and point to the WSDL of the BPEL process.
Step 3 - Add an Assign (Input 2 Output) to the BPEL process.
Step 4 - Wire the Direct Binding to the BPEL Process.
In the BPEL designer, delete the processorders_client partner link and use the Direct Binding instead.
Step 5 - Deploy and go to http://localhost:7001/soa-infra
Step 6 - Create a new project in your JDev app e.g.
InvokeDirectBinding-Client and add the following libraries to it.
Step 7 - Add a Java class to the project and cut and paste in the following code. Then test. Note the use of the Oracle XML parser here, I had some issues with the default one... Thanks Silviu / Santosh for the tip.
package invokedirectbin;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import javax.naming.Context;
import oracle.soa.api.JNDIDirectConnectionFactory;
import oracle.soa.api.PayloadFactory;
import oracle.soa.api.XMLMessageFactory;
import oracle.soa.api.invocation.DirectConnection;
import oracle.soa.api.invocation.DirectConnectionFactory;
import oracle.soa.api.message.Message;
import oracle.soa.api.message.Payload;
import oracle.xml.parser.v2.DOMParser;
import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLPrintDriver;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
public class InvokeComposite {
public InvokeComposite() {
public void StartAsyncViaDirectBinding(){
// create a direct connection to the composite
Hashtable jndiProps = new Hashtable();
jndiProps.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://localhost:7001/soa-infra");
jndiProps.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "weblogic");
jndiProps.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "welcome1");
jndiProps.put("dedicated.connection", "true");
Locator locator = null;
try {
DirectConnectionFactory factory = JNDIDirectConnectionFactory.newInstance();
String serviceAddress = "soadirect:/default/InvokeDirectBinding!1.0/DirectBinding2ProcessOrders";
DirectConnection dc = factory.createConnection(serviceAddress,jndiProps);
// Sample payload from em is as follows -
String inputPayload =
"\n" +
"RenateC \n" +
"rc@localhost \n" +
"123456 \n" +
"iPad \n" +
"100 \n" +
"500 \n" +
"none \n" +
"50000 \n" +
"pending \n" +
"none \n" +
" \n";
System.out.println("Input = " +"\n" + inputPayload);
// parse using the Oracle XML parser.
// Thanks Silviu!
oracle.xml.parser.v2.DOMParser op = new DOMParser();
op.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(inputPayload)));
// just a print to check it
XMLPrintDriver pd = new XMLPrintDriver(System.out);
Map partData = new HashMap();
partData.put("payload", op.getDocument().getDocumentElement());
// Create the Message and pass in the payload
Payload payload = PayloadFactory.createXMLPayload(partData);
Message request = XMLMessageFactory.getInstance().createMessage();
// Define conversation ID
String uuid = "uuid:" + UUID.randomUUID();
System.out.println("uuid = "+ uuid);
request.setProperty(request.CONVERSATION_ID, uuid);
// Invoke..."process", request);
} catch (Exception e) {
Payload displayed incorrectly above so here it is again -
Anyway the source code is available at
My starting point for this was Edwin's blog (which I can highly recommend!!!)-
However, I had issues with namespaces in my complex payload, requiring me to switch to the Oracle XML parser --> thus this post!
I'm using the following xsd for my payload.
Step 1 - Create a SOA Composite that includes an async BPEL process with input/output types set to the order defined above. Do not expose as a SOAP Service.
Step 2 - Add a Direct Binding to the Exposed Services lane and point to the WSDL of the BPEL process.
Step 3 - Add an Assign (Input 2 Output) to the BPEL process.
Step 4 - Wire the Direct Binding to the BPEL Process.
In the BPEL designer, delete the processorders_client partner link and use the Direct Binding instead.
Step 5 - Deploy and go to http://localhost:7001/soa-infra
Step 6 - Create a new project in your JDev app e.g.
InvokeDirectBinding-Client and add the following libraries to it.
Step 7 - Add a Java class to the project and cut and paste in the following code. Then test. Note the use of the Oracle XML parser here, I had some issues with the default one... Thanks Silviu / Santosh for the tip.
package invokedirectbin;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import javax.naming.Context;
import oracle.soa.api.JNDIDirectConnectionFactory;
import oracle.soa.api.PayloadFactory;
import oracle.soa.api.XMLMessageFactory;
import oracle.soa.api.invocation.DirectConnection;
import oracle.soa.api.invocation.DirectConnectionFactory;
import oracle.soa.api.message.Message;
import oracle.soa.api.message.Payload;
import oracle.xml.parser.v2.DOMParser;
import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLPrintDriver;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
public class InvokeComposite {
public InvokeComposite() {
public void StartAsyncViaDirectBinding(){
// create a direct connection to the composite
Hashtable jndiProps = new Hashtable();
jndiProps.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://localhost:7001/soa-infra");
jndiProps.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "weblogic");
jndiProps.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "welcome1");
jndiProps.put("dedicated.connection", "true");
Locator locator = null;
try {
DirectConnectionFactory factory = JNDIDirectConnectionFactory.newInstance();
String serviceAddress = "soadirect:/default/InvokeDirectBinding!1.0/DirectBinding2ProcessOrders";
DirectConnection dc = factory.createConnection(serviceAddress,jndiProps);
// Sample payload from em is as follows -
String inputPayload =
System.out.println("Input = " +"\n" + inputPayload);
// parse using the Oracle XML parser.
// Thanks Silviu!
oracle.xml.parser.v2.DOMParser op = new DOMParser();
op.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(inputPayload)));
// just a print to check it
XMLPrintDriver pd = new XMLPrintDriver(System.out);
partData.put("payload", op.getDocument().getDocumentElement());
// Create the Message and pass in the payload
// Define conversation ID
String uuid = "uuid:" + UUID.randomUUID();
System.out.println("uuid = "+ uuid);
request.setProperty(request.CONVERSATION_ID, uuid);
// Invoke..."process", request);
} catch (Exception e) {
Payload displayed incorrectly above so here it is again -
Anyway the source code is available at