Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Oracle Service Registry and OSB 11g Part 2

So now we have OSR and OSB installed. It is now time to get them talking to each other!

Startup OSB/OSR
Login to the OSB console, click on System Administration to create a new UDDI
registry entry.

Create a simple OSB service

Create a simple web service using JDeveloper

Test the Proxy Service

Publish to OSR


Login to OSR –

Pre-built Virtual Machine for SOA Suite and BPM Suite 11g

If you don't want to go thru the whole install routine, but would like to get up and running immediately with Oracle SOA Suite 11g PS2 incl. BAM, B2B and BPM. then I suggest you try out the following -

The feedback I've had so far is excellent!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Getting Started With Oracle BPM Suite 11g

Excellent title from Heidi Buelow et al. now available from Packt Press

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Oracle Service Registry and OSB11g

Simple scenario - customer has installed OSB 11g and now wants to leverage OSR.

So the pre-requisites are fulfilled -

Oracle DB e.g. XE already installed
OSB 11g already installed
-- WLS - oepe111150_wls1033_win32.exe
-- OSB -

OSR will be installed in a separate WLS domain.

If you need to install in the same domain then please refer to -

Install OSR

Point to XE JDBC driver

Post Install Configuration

Create a new WLS domain for OSR


Test OSB

Start OSB Server and login to sbconsole

Test the Project Explorer Link and create a new project

Test OSR

Start the OSR admin & managed servers


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oracle File Adapter & OSB 11g - debatching

Simple scenario -

I have a large input file adhering to the following XSD -

Business Processing:
The SSN will only be visible in the Response for persons living in the province specified in the header – in this case Munster.

- Sample input -

Such an input file could be large e.g.

1 PersonList Header element (specifying the province we are sending the data to e.g. the Irish province of Munster) and
1000s of Person elements, containing sensitive data such as SSN or as we in Ireland say PSN. So how can we leverage SOA Suite/OSB to do this efficiently?

Throttling is available with the Oracle File adapter so let's leverage it –

I created a simple SOA Composite (File Read --> Mediator --> FileWrite) and tested with the above input.

I checked in FMW console and saw that 3 instances had been created -

Instance 1 - Header + Person 1
Instance 2 - Person 2 + Person 3
Instance 1 - Person 4

Nice that the file adapter de-batching feature which gives us the Person elements wrapped in a

The only issue here is we have to validate the Person/Province against the Header/Province and, as you can see from the above, - it isn't there!

However, we do get this PersonList wrapper, so let's leverage this but changing the XSD slightly to include the destinationProvince as an attribute of the PersonList.

The new input XML file is as follows –

When I test this using the SOA composite I get 3 instances.


Looks good – let’s go on to OSB.

Create an OSB Project and import JCA artifacts you created in JDeveloper

Generate Proxy based on readin_file

Generate Business Service based on writeOutFile

Add a Pipeline & Route Node to the Proxy Service

Route to the Business Service

Create a variable v_PersonList and Assign the $body/exam:PersonList to it

Add a FOR EACH action to the Request Pipeline

The FOR EACH is defined as follows -

As you can see, the FOR EACH includes the following -

Log - Log the number of Persons in the Message

Log - Log the current iteration

Log - the current Person ID

IF THEN --> here we check whether the province values match. If not we need
to wipe the SSN.


This could also be a good use case for leveraging OSB's SplitJoin functionality!